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Satisfactory Academic Progress (Academics) 


Academic Standing

The academic standard is a semester grade point average of 2.0 or higher and a cumulative Colby Community College (CCC) grade point average of 2.00 or higher. Students who have met these starndards are considered in good academic standing. Academic standing is determined by all attempted coursework at CCC. Attempted coursework is defined as any course that received a grade of A, B, C, D, or F. Courses that received a grade of W are not included in attempted coursework for the CCC Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.

A student can hold a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or greater and earn a semester GPA below 2.0. All students with a semester GPA below 2.0 will be placed on Academic Progress Warning or Probation, dpending on their semester GPA.

Visiting students are exempt from this policy if they enroll in a single semester/term (e.g., including, but not limited to, Late Fall classes or Smarter Summer courses). Non-Degree seeking students are exempt from this policy. The Vice President of Academic Affairs communicates directly with students regarding their academic standing (including communications regarding Academic Progress Warning, Academic Suspension, Academic Probation, and Academic Reinstatement appeals).

Academic Progress Warning

Students with a semester GPA below 2.0 will be placed on Academic Progress Warning. Students can enroll in up to 15 credit hours during the Academic Progress Warning period. They must complete an Academic Action Plan with their advisor before registering for courses. Failure to adhere to the terms of the Academic Action Plan will result in students not being permitted to enroll in courses in the following semester/term. Students must register in classes to be eligible to live in the residence halls or be members of athletic teams.

Students on Academic Progress Warning failing to adhere to the terms of their Academic Action Plans at mid-term may  asked to attend weekly meetings with their advisor for the remainder of the semester/term.

Students on Academic Progress Warning who desire to enroll in the summer term must seek written permission from their advisor before enrolling in the summer term. At a maximum, these students will be allowed to register for seven credit hours in the summer term.

Academic Suspension

Students on Warning who do not meet these standards by the end of the next semester will be placed on Probation or Suspension, depending on their semester GPA. Students on Probation who are not making progress toward meeting academic standards will be placed on Suspension and may not continue their studies until re-admitted after serving a term of suspension or reinstated on appeal. The purpose of suspension is to give students sufficient time to develop a new plan for academic success.  Students with the standing of Suspension may not continue their studies as non-degree-seeking or degree-seeking students for a specified period of time.  The terms of suspension are as follows:

Suspended at End of: May Not Attend: May Apply for Re-admission:
Fall Late Fall, Spring, Summer Fall
Spring Summer, Fall, Late Fall Spring
Summer Fall and Late Fall Spring


If a student is pre-enrolled in a term they are not allowed to attend, they will be dropped from their courses. The student is responsible for returning rental books and requesting refunds for purchased books.


Appeal Process

Students may appeal only a standing of Suspension. Appeals must be submitted at least ten days before the term start date to be considered for reinstatement in the same term.

Suspension appeals are limited to those based on unforeseen circumstances that occurred during the Probationary period that prevented the student from earning a semester grade point average of 2.00 or higher.  Unforeseen circumstances include but are not limited to serious injury or illness of the student or a family member, death of a family member, or similarly disrupting experiences.

Students make an appeal by submitting an appeal packet consisting of a signed Academic Action Plan, a personal statement, and documentation of the unforeseen circumstances. All responses must be typed; handwritten responses will not be accepted.  Appeal packets are received at the Registrar's Office and are reviewed by the Exceptions Committee.  Students granted approval of their appeal will be placed on Academic Probation (see guidelines below).

Students who choose not to appeal, or are not granted their appeal, will not be permitted to enroll for the following semester/term. Upon their return to classes, these students will also be placed on Academic Probation. Students not enrolled in classes are not eligible to live in the residence halls or be members of athletic teams.


Academic Probation

Students who are granted reinstatement will be allowed to enroll in up to 15 credit hours under Probationary Status, and will be required to complete an Academic Action Plan with their advisor, before enrolling in classes. Failure to adhere to the terms of the Academic Action Plan will result in students being placed back on Suspension Status.

All academically-related Satisfactory Academic Progress questions should be directed to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.



(Updated August 2024)