Facilities and Naming Guidelines

Colby Community College may recognize donors of large monetary gifts or those who clearly have provided exceptional service to the institution by naming specific facilities for them. Facilities may be named for a donor if one of the following conditions is met:

  1. An individual, family, business, corporation, and/or other charitable entity has given at least $500,000 and recognized by the Board of Trustees upon recommendation from the CCC administrative team as being an eligible recipient of the honor. [Revised October 2016]
  2. An individual has (a) served a minimum of 15 years at CCC; (b) been recognized as outstanding by the public, students, faculty, and administration; and (c) is supported by the Board of
  3. Be recognized as an individual who has truly impacted Colby Community College beyond monetary measures. [Added October 2018]
  4. All recommendations will formally be made by the President of Colby Community College, in open session, at a Board of Trustees meeting. All recommendations must be formally approved by the Colby Community College Board of Trustees.
    [Added October 2018]

All Donor Naming Opportunities

  1. Naming opportunities for spaces within a building shall be defined by the Colby Community College (CCC) President.
  2. Naming opportunities for: rooms, areas on campus, or other structures will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the CCC President.
  3. All naming opportunities must be reviewed and approved by the CCC Board of Trustees.
  4. If a business/organization is longer in the community or is no longer in business, the Board of Trustees reserves the right to rename the facility.
  5. Nothing in this policy shall limit the CCC President or the Board of Trustees from considering or proposing recognition of individuals for academic, research or service contributions.



Human Resources
1255 S Range Ave
Colby KS 67701
(785) 460-5406