Work Study and General Work Time

All work studies (federal/institutional) must clock in and out each shift through the system designated by Colby Community College. Log-in credentials are unique to each student worker. If the log-in system is not working, student workers are expected to contact their immediate supervisor when they arrive and leave work. However, this is not a generally acceptable practice, and times must be verified by the supervisor prior to approval.

All student workers must clock themselves in and out on their own credentials. Clocking another student worker in or out of work is not permitted. It is a direct violation of the Work Study policy that will result in students losing their ability to work for Colby Community College.

All student workers are provided a job description they must sign and abide by upon hire. Failure to perform the duties and tasks assigned via the job description will result in termination.

Student Workers must have a regularly scheduled work week. Students are allowed to work up to twenty (20) hours in any week (Sunday-Saturday) and cannot be clocked in during any scheduled class times, even if a class is canceled. During breaks, students may work up to 40 hours per week. Students working more than 20 hours during a week or found clocking in during a scheduled class time will be terminated.

Time theft/time clock fraud is whenever an employee does something while clocked in for work that is not work-related. This may include but is not limited to doing homework, talking/texting on the phone, watching movies, sitting and visiting, napping, and/or leaving your workplace. Once you are clocked in, you are considered “on the clock” and should not perform any duties except those assigned to your position. Students found to be stealing time and/or committing time clock fraud not only face termination from their job but could face criminal charges.

If a student is suspected of committing time theft/time clock fraud, the student will be placed on unpaid leave while the investigation is completed. Should a student be found responsible for any policy violations during the investigation, the student will be terminated from their current position and face disciplinary actions, up to expulsion from Colby Community College.

Please note: Student workers terminated for any of the above reasons will not be eligible to work on the campus of Colby Community College for the remainder of their time as a student. This includes federal work studies, institutional work studies, and students employed by third-party vendors who operate the cafeteria.

[Adopted December 2023]



Human Resources
1255 S Range Ave
Colby KS 67701
(785) 460-5406