**PLEASE NOTE: The Colby Community College Refund Policy and the Federal Return of Title IV Funds policy are independent of each other. The return of Title IV funds may result in college costs not paid and due from the student. Transcripts and/or grade reports will not be issued to students with unpaid balances.



The College may refund a portion of tuition, fees, and institutional room and board to students who withdraw from school during the term in which they are enrolled. Students must complete the Official Withdrawal form in order to receive a refund of money paid to the college from personal sources. If all or parts of educational costs are paid by Federal Title IV Student Aid funds, a return of funds will be made to the federal sources according to the Return of Title IV Funds Policy, whether the withdrawal is official or not. The Official Withdrawal form must be returned to the Registrar within two weeks of the date the form is initiated to receive a refund of personal monies.

Students may be eligible for refund upon filing a complete Change of Schedule Form in the Registrar’s Office within the refund periods outlined below. Online change of schedule or a paper form MUST be submitted to the Registrar’s Office for refund. Non-attendance of class does not warrant an official drop, and the student will be financially responsible for the classes.

If the college cancels a class, enrolled students will receive a full refund of tuition and fees for that class regardless of the date. If a student withdraws from a class after the refund period and simultaneously adds a class, no refund will be given for the withdrawn (dropped) class. Full tuition and fees will be charged for the added class. Exceptions are made for change of section and/or level changes, at the discretion of the Registrar and Student Accounts Offices.


Official Withdrawal: The written notification to the Registrar of complete withdrawal from all classes by the student. The Official Withdrawal Form must be completed and signed by the student and signatures must be obtained from those designated on the form. Students who are withdrawing may obtain the form from the Registrar. Completed forms must be filed with the Registrar’s Office. Withdrawal from classes must be completed before the published last day to withdraw (from the CCC catalog).

Change of Schedule: A written notification to the Registrar from a class or classes. The Change of Schedule form must be completed with signatures of instructors and advisor (or coach/athletic director if an athlete) and presented to the Registrar’s Office. Adds and drops of courses (not withdrawals) are completed via students’ TrojanWeb portals during the published add/drop periods for each academic session.

Unofficial Withdrawal: A cessation of attendance to a class or classes without written notification to the Registrar. The student forfeits any refund of personal funds which might be due.

Books as Institutional Charges: Books charged against Federal Title IV funds are considered part of institutional charges. Books purchased without such records, whether from the college bookstore or other sources, such as the online book stores, are excluded from institutional costs.

Regular Enrollment
No refund of tuition and/or fees is given after stated date and the student is responsible for the total tuition and fees incurred.

9-16 Week Classes: 100% of tuition and fees will be refunded for courses dropped prior to the end of the 8th instructional day of the semester.

5-8 Week Classes: 100% of tuition and fees will be refunded for courses dropped prior to the end of the 5th instructional day of the semester.

2-4 Week Classes: 100% of tuition and fees will be refunded for courses dropped prior to the end of the 3rd instructional day of the semester.

Classes less than two weeks (including weekend classes and seminars): 100% of tuition and fees will be refunded for courses dropped prior to the start of the class.

Late Fall Courses:100% of tuition and fees will be refunded for courses dropped prior to the end of the 3rd instructional day.



Federal Title IV student aid funds will be returned according to the “Return of Title IV Aid Funds Policy” established by the Higher Education Reconciliation Act of 2005.

The college refund policy and the Federal Return of Title IV Funds policy are independent of each other. The return of Title IV funds may result in college costs not paid and due from the student. Transcripts and/or grade reports will not be issued to students with unpaid balances.

Please see the Return of Title IV Funds policy.