Authorized Signers

Colby Community College has the following individuals as designated signers for the institution: the President, the Vice President of Academics, and the Vice President of Student Affairs. The Vice-President of Business Affairs is not an authorized signer due to separation of duties of the position. 

The Board of Trustees has authorized the President to execute contracts, financial documents, and other official documents necessary for the conduct of the College's business in accordance with the defined perimeters stipulated in the “Business, Management, and Financial” section of the Colby Community College Policy Manual. The Board gives the President the authority to sign any and all documents approved by the board including but not limited to contracts, leases, and any other documents to follow through on board action.

The Board of Trustees has three authorized signers for Colby Community College who are designated by elected position: the Board Chair, the Vice-Chair, and the Treasurer. The individuals will change on an annual basis by the result of the annual election of officers.

[Added August 2016]
[Updated March 2019]