Tuition Assistance

Employees, dependents of all full-time employees, and full-time employees of any food service firm located on the college campus may enroll in college credit courses without payment of tuition and student fees. (Dependent grant does not cover course fees). These tuition grants do not apply to non-credit workshops, seminars, EduKan, or symposium offerings. Approval by supervisor must be given to employee before class(es) may be taken during working hours. Time spent attending classes and working on assignments must be off-the-clock or taken as vacation time. Employee dependents are defined according to the rules of the Internal Revenue Service.  [Revised March 2016; September 2018]
(Taken from the current Master Agreement: Article VIII. Section D. Tuition Grants)

Approval by supervisor must be given to employee before class(es) may be taken during working hours. Time spent attending classes and working on assignments must be off-the-clock or taken as vacation time. Employee dependents are defined according to the rules of the Internal Revenue Service.


[Revised May 2011; March 2016]