Business, Management, and Financial
Vehicle Fleet
Requests to use college vehicles received from non-profit, educational, governmental or charitable groups outside the college will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Vehicle requests must be completed and authorized prior to departure. Charges for mileage and college driver may be assessed. [Revised August and November 2009]
Inclement Weather Statement
When the college bus is used, the responsibility for whether the bus leaves Colby
or stays owing to weather conditions will be decided by the Athletic Director in case
of athletics or the President or designee in case of other trips. When the bus is
on the road, the bus driver has the responsibility for the bus and its occupants.
After consultation with the coach or sponsor, the bus driver will determine whether
it is safe to travel or not. The safety of the persons involved is the foremost consideration
in these decisions.
[Revised December 2007; revised April 2014]
[Reviewed December 2020]
Human Resources
1255 S Range Ave
Colby KS 67701
(785) 460-5406