
Colby Community requires parking decals for all vehicles parked on campus not located in Campus Visitor designated spots. There is not reserved parking for faculty or staff, with the exception of housing coordinators. Parking permits for students living off-campus are purchased through the Student Accounts office, located in the Student Union.

Students living in the Residence Halls are expected to park in the parking lots provided for them and for which they are issued a parking permit only. Other students, faculty and staff are not permitted to park in the student housing parking lots. Parking lots are designated by a letter/color code, which corresponds to the decal color. Vehicles must be parked in the lot for which they are registered.

All parking on campus is on a “first come” basis. Ample parking does exist with rare exceptions. In the few lots where parking is restricted, each area is clearly marked with signs designating the parking restrictions. Information regarding parking can be found in the campus security brochure as well as bulletin boards located in the lobbies of each residential area.

Students/Faculty/Staff working and/or employed at the Colby Community  Farm must park in designated areas only.

Parking Citations

Any vehicle parked on campus or at the  farm not in accordance with this policy will be issued a written warning.  A second offense will result in a citation of $50.  A third offense will result in a $100 citation. Failure to pay citations will result in a hold being placed on an account and the inability to enroll in the next semester until paid in full.

Any student/faculty/staff parked in a reserved spot (i.e. handicap accessible, campus visitor, or no parking zone) without proper documentation will not be issued a written warning, but will be issued a $100 citation for their first offense.  A second offense will result in a $200 fine and a third offense will result in the vehicle being towed at the owner’s expense. This policy is enforceable at any Colby Community parking lot (i.e. Colby Community Farm, the main campus, and the Norton Annex).

[Added June 2022]


Policy Violation

1st Offense

2nd Offense

3rd Offense

Parking without proper permit in designated location

Written Warning

$50 Citation

$100 citation

*Each additional citation will double from previous citation amount

Parking in reserved or otherwise designated parking


$100 Citation

$200 Citation

Vehicle towed at owner's expense


Parking in “No Parking” designated areas


$100 Citation

$200 Citation

Vehicle towed at owner's expense





Campus Security
1255 S Range Ave
Colby KS 67701
(785) 460-5508

Human Resources
1255 S Range Ave
Colby KS 67701
(785) 460-5406