Student Responsibility and Code of Conduct

The students and staff of Colby Community College constitute a special community engaged in the education process. The college assumes that students will demonstrate personal conduct which is based upon courtesy, integrity, common sense and respect for others both inside and outside the classroom. The college reserves the right to suspend or dismiss a student for conduct which is determined to be detrimental to students and the college.

The purpose of this policy is to set out Colby Community College’s Code of Conduct and Standards which students must follow.

All students and student organizations of the college are subject to the rules and regulations of the college. Those students who willfully violate college standards must expect to face disciplinary action on the part of the institution.

Students at CCC have the following responsibilities:

  • Observe all regulations of the college.
  • Provide the necessary documents for admission to the college, including official transcripts, application forms, residency statements, military records, financial aid information.
  • Consult with counselors on a voluntary basis regarding adjustment difficulties, occupational and professional aptitude and planning, as well as personal problems pertaining to college career.
  • Meet with assigned academic advisors on academic careers, degree requirements, and changes in their programs of study.
  • Be aware of and comply with the instructor's attendance policy in the course To attend all meetings of each class in which they are enrolled from the first-class meeting.
  • Be an active participant in the class and prepare for each class meeting as instructed.
  • Fulfill all graduation requirements if educational objective is applicable. 
  • Respond promptly to all written and online notices from faculty, advisers, deans, and other college officials.
  • File an online application for degree or certificate completion with the Registrar's Office.
  • Enroll in only those courses for which the stated prerequisite(s) (if there are any) have been satisfactorily Failure to comply with prerequisites may result in administrative withdrawal.
  • Be aware of and comply with withdrawal policy and procedures from the college, including current withdrawal dates. To process an official withdrawal form for schedule changes.
  • Use the appropriate channels in appealing any academic actions which the students believe are unfair.
  • Observance of all college relations as specified in the College Catalog, the Student Handbook, the Residence Hall Handbook, and other informational publications. These publications are official sources of information and academic matters.

Students are responsible for the knowledge of the college rules and regulations as set forth in the student handbook and college catalog. Students accepted for residence in residence halls are responsible for good order and reasonable quiet in their rooms. Noisy and disorderly occupants may be dismissed from their halls or otherwise subjected to disciplinary measures.


Code of Conduct

The President of the College, The Vice President of Student Affairs,and/or their designated representatives may counsel, admonish, suspend, expel or otherwise appropriately discipline any student for violating regulations and standards of the College. While students have the rights and obligations of citizens, admission to the College is a privileged status and involves special additional obligations to the college community. The college, within the authority invested by the law in the Kansas Board of Regents and the Colby Community College Board of Trustees, has the obligation to determine the standards of conduct appropriate for those who become its members. Neither individual students nor organized student groups may act on behalf of, speak for, or in the name of CCC. It is presumed that CCC students, as members of the academic community, shall exercise due regard for law and for the rights of others.

The following types of behavior are considered violations of college standards for student conduct and may result in suspension or other disciplinary action:

  1. Threatening the life or physical safety of others
  2. Conduct which substantially disrupts, impedes, or interferes with the operation of
  3. Conduct which substantially infringes on or invades the rights of others
  4. Inflicting damage to college equipment or facilities
  5. Violating conditions of probation
  6. Demonstrating academic dishonesty
  7. Participating in any unauthorized manufacture, possession, use, distribution or sale of alcohol or drugs, whether by faculty, staff or students on college property or at any college- sponsored event contrary to the purposes and policies of Colby Community College and the State of Kansas. Students who violate any part of this section will be subject to immediate probation.

    There is a “zero tolerance” policy for individuals violating this section in any living center facility. This entire section “G” pertains to every college student regardless of age.

  8. Exhibiting conduct which results in conviction of the student for any offense specified in federal or student criminal statutes. It is not the intent of these policies to prohibit the participation in college programs of individuals who may have a previous criminal record for which they have met the requirements of the law
  9. Harassing a student, instructor or staff member on the basis of Sexual harassment is defined as conduct involving unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
    • submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of academic success or
    • submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for academic decisions affecting either the instructor, staff member, student or
    • exhibition of such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the instructor, staff members or students’ performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
    • prohibited is any behavior of students that represents repeated or unwanted sexual attention or sexual advances when acceptance of such attention or advances is made a condition of reward or penalty.
  10. Willful violation of any published regulation for student conduct adopted or approved by the Board of Trustees.
  11. Failure to follow and/or obey campus guidelines, processes, procedures, responsibilities,

Additionally, the following specific acts of behavior shall be construed as offending the moral and social standards of the college and as interfering with the welfare of other students and will not be acceptable and shall be deemed to be grounds for immediate suspension or dismissal:

  • Fighting.
  • Intimidation not limited to but including social media.
  • Using obscenities and profanities, not limited to, but including social media.
  • Open defiance or threats, not limited to, but including social media.
  • Possession, consumption, sale, or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages on the  college campus or at athletic events or other functions sponsored by or participated in by the College.
  • Possession, use, or sale of narcotics or drugs.
  • Theft.
  • Excessive or repeated tardiness or unauthorized absences.
  • Vandalism.
  • Possession, use of a weapon, or object considered a weapon.
  • Alcohol and Drugs & Paraphernalia.
  • Harassment/Intimidation.
  • Use of a Weapon as a Threat.

Students are responsible for the knowledge of the college rules and regulations as set forth in the college student handbook. Students accepted for residence in college residence halls are responsible for the maintenance of good order and reasonable quiet in their rooms. Noisy and disorderly occupants may be dismissed from their halls or otherwise subjected to disciplinary measures.

Residence Hall regulations are set forth in further detail in the Residence Hall Handbook.


Revised July 2024




Human Resources
1255 S Range Ave
Colby KS 67701
(785) 460-5406