Operational Policies

Dress. Each member of the college community shares a responsibility in maintaining a professional image by dressing and grooming appropriately for his or her respective job assignment.
[Reviewed Dec. 2024]

Purchasing. All college employees are to order supplies, equipment, and repairs through the Business Office. Independent orders will not normally be honored. A purchase request must be submitted through the Business Portal system. The college is not responsible for payment of an indebtedness which is not supported by a duly approved Business Portal request.

Receptionist Duties. All persons employed for secretarial or bookkeeping positions are expected to act as "receptionists." Persons coming into an office take precedence over other duties. Visitors should be greeted courteously by the first employee who notices them. Determine the visitors’ business quickly and pleasantly. Make sure that the visitors are comfortable if they must wait. If arrangements cannot be made for them to see the appropriate person, make sure that person receives written notice of the visit.
[Reviewed Dec. 2024]

Smoking and Tobacco. Smoking and tobacco use is not allowed in campus buildings or near entrance/exit access points. Access point means the area within a ten foot radius outside of any doorway, open window or air intake leading into a building or facility.
[Revised Dec. 2024]

Visitors in the Classroom. The only individuals allowed in the classroom are the instructor, Vice President of Academic Affairs or Division Chair, and the students who have paid for that specific class. The instructor has the right to invite or allow other individuals to visit the class on occasion as appropriate.
[Revised Dec. 2007; revised April 2014; Dec. 2024]

Work Areas. Each employee is expected to leave the employee's work area clean and orderly at the close of each work day. Machines, equipment, tools, etc., should be covered and stored in the proper place. Each employee is responsible for the care of the machines, equipment, tools, etc., used in the performance of the employee's work tasks. Each employee should double-check to make sure files, vaults, doors, etc., are secure at the end of the day. Security and confidentiality must be maintained at all times.

Working Relationships. Each employee works under the direction of an immediate supervisor and under the overall supervision of the President. Criticisms of an employee’s work are to be directed to the immediate supervisor and addressed in a confidential/private manner. Employees may not assume responsibility for work in other departments without approval of immediate supervisors. Supervisors are urged to grant approval when practical.
[Revised Dec. 2024]

Employment Personnel Records

All employment and personnel records will be maintained by the Human Resources Office.

Open Records Policy. All public records as defined by Kansas law shall be open for inspection by any person except as otherwise provided by the Kansas Open Records Act. No person shall remove original copies of public records from Colby Community College without the written permission of the President or designee. For more information, see the policy on Open Records Requests.





Human Resources
1255 S Range Ave
Colby KS 67701
(785) 460-5406