Interrogations and Investigations

Persons designated by the president may conduct investigations and question students about infractions of college rules or the student conduct code. If there is reason to believe a violation of a criminal law has been committed, the administrator shall notify the appropriate law enforcement agency and may request further investigation of the alleged violation.

Coordination with Law Enforcement
College administrators may meet periodically with local law enforcement officials to discuss the college’s policies and rules regarding law enforcement contacts with the college. Law enforcement officers shall not be permitted to conduct investigations during college hours except in demonstrated emergency situations. If a demonstrated emergency is found, the administrator shall require identification of law enforcement officials and reasons for the interrogation or investigation of a student. If the administrator is not satisfied with either the identification or the reason, the request shall not be granted. The administrator shall attempt to notify the president and the officer’s superiors of the reasons for the refusal.

Violations of Criminal Law
Information on the criminal conduct shall be turned over to law enforcement officials.

Taking Students Into Custody
Students shall not be voluntarily released by college officials to law enforcement authorities unless the student has been placed under arrest or taken into custody by law enforcement or SRS. When a student has been taken into custody or arrested on college premises without prior notification to the college administration, the college staff present shall ask the law enforcement officer to notify the administrator of the circumstances as quickly as possible.

Disturbance of College Environment
Law enforcement officers may be requested to assist in controlling disturbances at college and, if necessary, to take students or other persons into custody.


REVIEWED: August 2020



Human Resources
1255 S Range Ave
Colby KS 67701
(785) 460-5406