Credit Hour Definition

Courses offered both online and traditional

Student learning objectives are the same regardless of the format the course is offered. When the course is offered similar assessments are utilized to ensure student learning. Thus, while teaching the same objectives we can assume that classroom and out of class time for the distance course is equivalent to the traditional course offering.

Courses offered only online

The following criterion is utilized to determine in class and out of class time for Colby Community College’s online courses.


In-Class Seat Time

Discussion Boards

Reading all posts 180 words per minute; Students original answering 60 minutes; Each students additional quality post 30 minutes

Reading Instructors Feedback

10 minutes per graded assignment


60 minutes allotted per quiz

Weekly Lectures

75 minutes per lecture

Links to External Websites

30 minutes per external site


75 minutes per exam

Final Exams

120 minutes for final exam


75-150 minutes as defined by the instructor

Boot Camps

Calculated per scheduled time as defined in the published schedule.



Out-of-Class Seat Time

Course Material

180 words per minute

Formal Writing

20 words written per minute; 120 minutes for research; 120 minutes prep per page of writing

Video/Other Assignments

100 minutes per other assignment

Studying/Prep Time

Quizzes     60 minutes prep time

Unit Exams 10 hours prep time

Final Exams 10 hours prep time

Case Study

75 minutes per case study


In order to provide guidelines for time calculations, the College made several assumptions. The discussion with individual instructors will provide additional information if needed.





Human Resources
1255 S Range Ave
Colby KS 67701
(785) 460-5406