Merger or Consolidation

In the event that Colby Community College is presented with a merger or consolidation proposal with another institution, the following must occur:

One: The President will serve as the contact point for any such proposal, whether it is initiated or received.  The president will inform the Board of Trustees of all conversations and contacts pertinent to the merger or consolidation.  The president will at the appropriate time, make his or her recommendation to the Board of Trustees.

Two: The Board of Trustees will then vote to put a referendum before the Thomas County Electorate at the next applicable date.  For the request to go any further, at least four of the six Board of Trustees must approve the request.

Three: Lastly, Thomas County Electorate will then have the opportunity to approve or deny the merger or consolidation. 

*If any of the three do not approve the request, the merger will not occur.

This policy is in accordance with the Kansas 2014 Statue 71-1301 (Authorization to agree to consolidate).  In accordance with the provisions of article 13 of chapter 71 of Kansas Statutes Annotated, the boards of trustees of any two (2) or more community college districts are hereby authorized to enter into agreements to form one consolidated community college district. History: L. 1968, ch. 77, § 1; L. 1980, ch. 207, § 62; July 1.

And with

Kansas 2014 Statue 71-1701. Authorization to consolidate; approval by state board of regents required, when; operation, management and control of community college not affected; applicability of statutes.

(a) Any area vocational school or area vocational-technical school may consolidate with and be made a part of any community college under the provisions of this act. No merger involving an area vocational school or area vocational-technical school located in any county in which there is also located the campus of a state educational institution shall occur unless the merger is specifically approved by the state board of regents.

(b) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this act, nothing in this act shall be applied or construed in any manner so as to change or affect the operation, management and control of any community college or to change or affect any existing power, duty or function of a board of trustees with respect to such operation, management and control.  The provisions of all statutes of general application to community colleges shall apply to every community college affected by this act to the extent that such statutory provisions are not in conflict with the provisions of this act.
History: L. 1992, ch. 248, § 1; July 1.



Human Resources
1255 S Range Ave
Colby KS 67701
(785) 460-5406