Derek Reilley, Renewable/Sustainable Energy Program Director at Colby Community College, recently completed four Solar Professionals Certificate Programs taught by Solar Energy International in Paonia, Colo.

Reilley received certification in four areas including Battery-Based Photovoltaic Systems, Solar Business and Technical Sales, Residential and Commercial Photovoltaic Systems and Solar Professionals Trainer of Trainers.

Reilley received a grant from Solar Energy International to fund the tuition and expenses to attend these training sessions.  The demand for solar and wind energy instructors is increasing each year because the solar and wind industry has grown by 30 percent.

Reilly is the program director for the sustainable/renewable energy program at Colby Community College.  In addition, he is the Title III Activity Director/Online Development Director for the $1.97 million dollar grant received from the United Sates Department of Education.

Prior to accepting the job at CCC, Reilley was a telecommunication instructor at Northwest Kansas Technical College in Goodland for 12 years.

The Colby native received his Associate Degree in May 1992 from Colby Community College.  He earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Vocational Technical Education from Pittsburg State University in July 2006 and his Master of Science degree in Technical Teacher Education from Pittsburg State in August 2008.

Derek is the son of Wes and Izetta Rummel and the late Mike Reilley of Colby.  He and his wife Shannon have five children.