Colby Community College instructor Linda Davis-Stephens recently published a professional paper about the land and people around the Colby area. The publication, “El Cuartelejo, High Plains and Identify–Service Learning the History of a Bioregion,” was published internationally in Anthropology and Ethnology Today, the book series of the Chinese Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences.

Davis-Stephens presented her paper at Yunnan University in Kunming China in 2009.

“I am among the investigators who research ways to solve modern problems in the human-nature-society system in the context of sustainability,” explained Davis-Stephens.

The investigative results are reported to the Commission on Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainable Development, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences.

Davis-Stephens is available to give professional presentations to local history and culture groups, schools and organizations. She can be contacted at (785) 560-5528.