Students enrolled in business classes at Colby Community College recently qualified to compete in the national Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) competition scheduled for June 24-28 in Nashville, Tenn.

Approximately 100 Kansas college students participated in the PBL Leadership Conference hosted by Cowley Community College in Arkansas City.

Phi Beta Lambda is the largest professional business leadership organization for college students in the United States with over 12,000 members.

Those who qualified are allowed to compete in two events.

Individual results follow:

  • Natalie Morris: Macroeconomics, 1st; Sports Management and Marketing, 2nd
  • Kassandra Baker: Macroeconomics, 3rd; Word Processing, 2nd
  • Andy Wood: Impromptu Speaking, 3rd
  • Rachel Platt: Hospitality Management, 3rd

Students who qualified at Ark City who will be representing CCC in Nashville are Morris, Baker and Wood.

Brooklyn Barker and Abagail Russ also competed in the event.  Sponsors for Phi Beta Lambda are Brad Bennett and Crystal Pounds.