Members of the Colby Community College Collegiate Farm Bureau Chapter traveled to Manhattan for the Kansas Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers (YF&R) leadership conference on Feb. 2 through 4.

The conference provides young agriculture producers between the ages of 18 and 35 with agriculture education, motivational speakers, and opportunities to connect with industry resources and network with peers.

At the conference, CCC students attended workshops, took ag industry tours, networked with other producers, and heard keynote speakers. The quiz bowl team of Lacey Schmidt, Allie Seltman, Payton Walk, Wyatt Littlechild, and Keller Metzker advanced to the semifinals in the Collegiate Ag Quiz Bowl. Littlechild and Metzker competed in the Collegiate Discussion Meet, and Metzker earned a $300 second-place prize.

Advisors for the CCC Farm Bureau Chapter are Adalaide Kline and Shanda Mattix.