In the fall, eligible Kansas students will be able to enroll in select Colby Community College career and technical education programs at no cost with the help of a new scholarship program. House Bill 2064, known as the Kansas Promise Scholarship Act, was signed by Gov. Laura Kelly last week to increase access to community colleges and technical schools.

The scholarship provides "last dollar" awards to students after other types of financial aid have been applied. It is available to Kansas high school and home school graduates, Kansans 21 and older who have resided in the state for at least three years, and dependents of military servicemembers.

"Colby Community College is extremely excited to offer programs through the Kansas Promise Scholarship Act," said President Dr. Seth Carter. "To expand access and inclusiveness is paramount to the College's mission.

Graduates who agree to enter one of the designated fields will receive a Kansas Promise Scholarship to pay for attendance at a state technical school or community college. Students will have work requirements during school and residency requirements after completion.

In the coming weeks, CCC will announce qualifying programs and other details at