Title IX Information

Colby Community College is committed to providing a safe learning environment for students, faculty, staff, and the general public. CCC strives to achieve this through community partnerships, education, planning, and the enforcement of state and local laws.

Should you experience any type of harassment we encourage you to notify the CCC Title IX Coordinator, who will help ensure that supportive measures are implemented, that the misconduct is eliminated and that future incidents are prevented.

Title IX Compliance

Please call the Colby Police Department at (785) 460-4460.

For immediate assistance, call 911.

Vice President of Student Affairs
Colby Community College
1255 South Range Ave.
Colby, KS 67701

Human Resources Office
Thomas Hall
(785) 460-5406


Title IX Coordinator
1255 S Range Ave
Colby KS 67701
(785) 460-5490